Greta's Garden Club
Junior Master Gardener's Program
3rd and 4th grade students
Purpose of the Team:
The purpose of the Garden Club is to create an outdoor classroom that students can learn about native coastal plants. The students will receive their JMG certificate and complete the course which correlates with several science TEKS. Students will help maintain the garden and teach other grade levels about the coastal plants. Students will also learn social skills, communication skills, and good citizenship. This team will host two Garden Parties which will get the community involved in a campus wide project.
Number of Students: 95
How will students be selected?
Open to all students in 3rd and 4th grade who can have a parent pick them up after school. Students must have good behavior in and out of the classroom. Students cannot miss two or more sessions.
How long are the meetings?
Meetings are an hour long from 3:15 to 4:15
How many meetings will there be during the year?
17 meetings and 2 garden parties on Saturdays from 9 to 12. Other meetings will be hosted to plan lessons and major events.
Are there any competitions? No Competitions but awards are given out by the Junior Master Gardener’s
What will the weekly outcomes/products be?
The Club has been accepted into the Junior Master Gardener’s Program in which we will follow one chapter a week. Students will also learn from local master gardeners on native plants and gardening techniques.
What will the annual outcome/ product be?
Maintaining Greta’s Garden so that it is an outdoor classroom for the whole school. In May, at the end of the program students can earn their JMG certificate of completion.
What will the measures of success be?
Students will have mastered the program if they have completed all of the requirements and activities needed to get their JMG certificate. Students will have also gained social and team building skills. Students will learn how to be responsible citizens by helping to maintain their school grounds and by learning how to plant local plants.