Fitnessgram/ Breast Cancer Run
As part of our wellness and fitness program here at Oppe elementary, we participate in a variety of activities. Two of the major activities we complete are the fitness gram and kids on the run. Fitness gram is a program where our students are tested in several areas of fitness and the scores are tallied. Each year the scores are tallied as the students grow in age to show the hopeful growth in their fitness abilities. They are tested on running, sit ups, pushups, as well as flexibility. The “kids on the run” program is a program that every child 1st – 4th grade participates in. Each child runs ¼ of a mile daily as part of their recess routine. At the end of the week, each child has run at least 1 mile. At the end of 26 weeks, our children would have completed a full 26.2 mile marathon. We kick off the program at a breast cancer run where the children run their first mile. The last mile is completed at the Mardi Gras run where children will receive a medal of achievement.