Project Title: Fit Kids!
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Fit Kids? Fit Ojai!


Because this is an ongoing club that has been running at Topa Topa Elementary School for more than five years, we have had a lot of time to fine tune what we do. One of the big considerations that has to be acknowledged for anyone wanting to run a club like this is that we have had monetary support through a grant provided by the Ojai Rotary Club.  This grant has allowed us to buy the necessary food items and other tools needed to prepared our weekly dishes.  

One change we made in this year's program was to emphasize locally grown produce to help awaken the students to what their community can provide and to show them that food is grown right in our town. 

Next year our goal is to have smaller groups of students during each session and to have the sessions run only 4 weeks instead of 6. It is our hope that by doing this we can still reach the same number of kids but really spend quality time teaching and in discussion with the students.  

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