Leave One! Take One! Read Many!
Leave One! Take One! Read Many!
Our Leave One! Take One! Read Many! program began with two goals in mind. Our first goal is to help students become better readers by filling their home libraries with "new" gently used books. The second goal is to be Earth friendly by reusing and trading books that students have already read. Instead of leaving books on our bookshelves or recycling them, we are reusing them and sharing them with others. Students and teachers can bring a book to the book exchange bins located in the foyer of our school and trade it for a "new" gently used book they would like to read. When students share books to expand their home libraries, they will practice their reading and become a better reader. At first, teachers were donating books, but now we have a wonderful selection of books that students are bringing and trading. The program is self-sustaining! It is so exciting to see the students deliberating over which book they want to trade their book for. Sometimes they find more than one book they want and tell a friend that they're going to bring more books to trade. The Leave One! Take One! Read Many! program mascot is a bookworm. Judging by the number of books students are trading, Kramer students are turning into BOOKWORMS, too!
Marci Peschke