Once Upon a Watershed
The students really loved getting outside to experience nature first hand. They were exposed to nature in a way that actively engaged their five senses. They learned through experience more than through lecture, such as working in small groups with an adult and turning over a rock or a log and examining all that is under it, such as decomposers. Instructors and volunteers led games to help teach students about the oak woodlands they were in. Students learned the importance of the relationships of the oak woodlands to the other plants and animals sharing its ecosystem. They planted acorns. Students learned about watersheds and how a river works, such as eroding soil and changing its course as it flows. They hiked a short distance to a reclaimed wetland that modern development had previously eradicated, and they observed animals and plants flourishing in it. The students learned how to better enjoy nature and how to become better stewards of the natural environment throught their experiences with this excellent program. It was very helpful to have a nonprofit organization to organize and provide instructors and volunteers for this program. The classroom teachers were there to help with behavior management and to learn along with the students. Students stated that it was a fun and engaging way to learn. They wished they had more oportunities to learn outside the classroom.