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Reduce, Reuse, Recycle


Various parts of this program have been in progress for several years at our school.  Students are used to separating out their dry recyclables in the proper bins and putting the green waste at lunch into the proper container.  Older students spearate out various dry materials that can be recycled for cash, such as aluminum, and the cash is used to fund various school projects.  There are recycle containers in the halls and in each classroom.  Students use them regularly and teachers periodically review the benefits of recycling.  Our sixth grade leadership students periodically give out "Character Trait Awards" to students caught recyclng correctly.  Once a month all our clothing itmes from the lost and found are spred out for several days for students to claim.  Unclaimed items are donated to a local thrift shop to be reused.  Students and staff consistently use both sides of paper to help reduce waste.  in our staff work room we store paper that has been only used on one side.  Teachers use the blank side to run copies on and students us the blank side for drawing or as scratch paper for working problems.  In the future I would like to work with the cafeteria to use washable trays and utensils for lunch.

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