Cthulhu's Quest
The story of my game is the Dark Lord Cthulhu, after thousands of years of being imprisoned in R’yleh, has finally amassed enough power to attempt a break-out. To be able to become powerful enough to challenge the gatekeeper, Cthulhu must eat salads, or souls as their portrayed in R’yleh, until he is powerful enough through his healthy lifestyle. The enemies represent an unhealthy lifestyle, so therefore “killing” them helps make you a healthier person.
The objective is to collect the points and defeat the enemies. The “points” represent salads, which by eating you become healthier. The enemies represent an unhealthy lifestyle, so “killing” them, you get that much closer to a healthier lifestyle.
Exercise portrayed in game:
The points represent salads, which are a healthier food to eat than fast foods and other greasy foods. “Killing” the enemies helps get rid of your unhealthy lifestyle.
Intended Audience:
The intended audience is High School kids.
Team Members:
Joseph Cimino and Tori Greer