Story: I.L.A.C. is a game we designed to show the important things about calories. You will join Sean and Steve and their adventure learning about calories.
Objective: To learn about calories. To not be tempted by the French fries. Also, listen to your coach carefully.
Team Members: Ashton, Tal, Cameron
Health Lesson: Calories are needed in energy to fuel the metabolic process, maintenance and lactation of body temperature, growth. Metabolic means relating to metabolism, the whole range of biochemical process that occurs with then us. Naturally, different foods provide different amounts of calories. Some foods, such as ice-cream, have many calories, while others, like leafy vegetables, have few. All humans need calories, but you don’t want to get so much, and not be able to burn them off. You can gain a lot of weight this way.
Everybody needs a different amount of calories. It depends on the age and weight of the person. If you have a weight of 90lb and are 12 years old, you need more calories than a 7 year old and 60lb person. This is the basic info about calories.