Patty the Fatty's Nutritious Adventure
Patty the Fatty's Nutritious Adventure
People in Our Group…
Madison and Shannon
The Audience is…
The Health Lesson…
Apples are a good nutritious snack that contains many health benefits such as vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium, protein, and much more. Apples can reduce the risk of stroke, asthma, many types of cancer, strengthens your bones, and plus it gives you the energy to get through the day.
The Story…
Patty the Fatty is very unhealthy… She wants to start being healthy by eating apples, but it’s very difficult for her because of all the bad foods taunting her. She’s trying to get to the Gym as fast as she can while eating apples on the way, but the French Fries are trying to get to her and damage her heart. Will she make it to the Gym in time before it’s too late?
The Objective…
Patty has 45 seconds to eat all the apples in each level and reach her goal before the time runs out.