Project Title: Healthivore Video Game
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White Blood Cells




Story: The story of our game places you as a white bood cell that must go through the immune system and get to the disease inside of your body and remove it from your characters body. You go through five different levels each involving somthing to do in the immune system.

Objective: The objective of the game is to get into the disease and remove it from your body, therefore leading to your escape back into the body.

Audience: The game and lesson plan is for all ages.

Team Members: Ryan, Dustin, and Hunter.

Lesson: White blood cells also known as leukoyctes are a major part of the immune system and help fight aainst infections. White blood cells are transfered through the body by traveling in the blood. The average white blood cell count is around 7,000 in a healthy adult. The count can spike to around 40,000 if the infection is bad enough. Here are the six types of white blood cells and some information on them.

Neutrophils make up: 58% Eosinophils 2% Basophils 1% Bands 3% Monocytes 4% and Lymphocytes 4%, of the white blood cell count. Most of these listed are formed in the bone marrow and disovle into the bloodstream to get around the body.

Neutrophils, Eosinophils, and Basophils are all called granulocytes due to their digestive traits when they are released into the blood. It can stay for an average of four to eight hours then disolves into the skin tissue were it can last four to five day. The lifespan may be much shorter if the disease is severe. Nuetrophils is the main defence against bacteria often killed five through twenty bacteria in their lifespans. Bands are premature neutrophils.

Eosinphils kill parasites and have the role of allergic reactions.

Basophils aren't well understood but are known to help prevent clotting and help the Eosinphils with allergic reactions.

Monocytes enter the tissue and are able to kill up to 100 bacteria throughout the body they also destroy old damaged cells in the body. They can stay in the blood for ten to twenty hours before dying out.

[image] White blood cells

These are a few facts over white blood cells and what they help do with and in your body.


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