Don't be sad get fit, Son!
Story: Tim was big and overweight. He had "Whataburger" everyday for lunch. he found out if he didnt start eating healthier and exercising he was gonna die.
Objective: Get the healthy food and points, stay away from the french fries.
Audience: For all ages.
Team Members: Claudiaa, Jamess, Jonn.
Lesson: Obesity is a big problem in america. the United states, was recorded to have the highest obesity in the world. One reason people have problems with obesity is because of physical actibity and eating habits. Most of this starts at a young age, then it builds up by gaining 2 or 3 pounds a week.
To get rid of obesity you, can start by going to a weight lose clnic so they can give you some proper advice on how to eat nutricouse foods. Some foods can be fruits, vegetables, salads, just stuff like that. Then you can start doing some daily exercising or go to they gym and higher a personal trainer to help you. After a while of doing this you will live a healthier lifestyle.