Story: You are sixteen year old Rin, an average teenager in the modern world. Rin just came back from eating with friends and fell asleep on the way home. Thing is, Rin went into a food-induced coma and can't wake up! With the help of Rin's conscious, or the Voice, Rin has to find the way out of the dream world called the Labyrinth by choosing healthfully and killing off the threatening diseases inside, before it's too late and can never wake up!
Objective: Get through the Labyrinth by choosing healthfully and kill off all the diseases while staying alive as fast as possible.
Audience: 10+
Team Member(s): Kelsie
Lesson: NUTRITION- Nutrition is a vital part for your health. It is the process in which your body takes and uses the food you consume. It is important to eat healthfully so your nutrtition will stay on a good level. Since nutrition is important to your overall health, it is vital to make sure you eat foods that won't affect it in a bad way. You can do this by noting calories, total fat, saturated fat, and total carbohydrates on the back of a Nutrition Facts label. Keeping track of this can help benefit your nutrition and overall health.
HEALTHFUL EATING PATTENS- Many people find making healthful food choices challenging. As you grow older, you are introduced to new foods by cultural influence or peer pressure. You can't over or under eat or it may cause many problems. It is important to not skip breakfast, for it reduces the threat of overeating later on and restores the energy you lost while asleep, as well as improve mental and physical performance. When eating out, you still have to eat right and keep your appetite under control. Any meal of the day needs to be obtained and carefully watched. Doesn't mean you can't eat the foods you enjoy- you just have to fit them in your diet.
ENERGY- Energy can be obtained from the calories, nutrients, and carbohydrates found in food. You need energy to fuel yourself for the day ahead, so it is important that you get enough. But you still need to watch in how you obtain it.
FOOD-INDUCED COMA AND OTHER DISEASES OBTAINED FROM POOR NUTRITION- A food-induced coma is where a person falls into a complete state of laziness, becomes generally lethargic, or very full. In the game, Rin goes into this, but since Rin was tired- which can be a side effect to eating alot of food -Rin fell asleep while entering this state and therefore becomes so sluggish that waking up was impossible until all the disease flow was stopped. The diseases that you kill in order to wake up are there because poor nutrition can lead to them and, since Rin's body is weakened, Rin's immune system is defenseless and can easily be attacked. Poor nutrition can lead to many health problems and diseases, such as heart failure, scurvy, ricketts, appetite disorders, nerve disorders, goiter, bone loss, kwashiorkor, and many more. Some can cause future problems in life, as some can cause death. It is important to keep up good nutrition to prevent such things from happening.