Drugs,Health,and your body.
Story: freezmasters game is a fun,exicting,action packed adventure.
you play the role as "freezemaster", a tiny android sent into a teens body.You might think that this might be an easy task,but its the complete opposite!
Crestin,(the teenager),has done drugs as a choice to be free,but once you go on this epic conquest you notice that everything is not what it seems!
your goal is to escape crestins vody and make the right choices!
Audience: for any age!
Team members: jackson,kaylon,sarah
health lesson:
Drugs a a thing in everbodys life. Some are good and some are bad.Doctors give out drugs to help people everyday,to help a illness or disease. When people take drugs for there own appeal is when its bad. People take drugs every day as a way to "relax" or "escape reality", this is not the way things should be .
People take drugs due to stress,marrige,divorce,life problems, and other things such as a body stimulant. Drugs cause your teeth to rot, they make you stupid, can ruin your life, and can even cause mental retardation. If people chose to refrain from drugs they can make their life a lot easier!