Project Title: Healthivore Video Game
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Gamer Freaks11




Story:A boy named Jimmy ended up with a very bad disease from eating junk food and it caused a lot of damage to his stomach.


Objective:You have to fight the germs and kill the disease in Jimmy's stomach to bring him back to health and teach him good eating habbits.


Audience: Any one who plays the game.


Team members:  Korey,Sean,Nick.


Lesson:  The lesson is to walk run exercise. You have to eat right to be healthy.In the game you have to get the proteins. Proteins are nurtients that maintain body cells and tissues. Proteins are chains of substance called amino acids. Complete proteins contain adequate amounts of all nine essential amino acids. Incomplete proteins lack one or more of the essential amino acids. proteins have to make enzymes, hormones, and antibodies. Enzymes are substance that control the rate of chemical reactions inyour cells. Hormones regulate the activities of different cells, and antibobies help identify and destrop disease-causing organisms. Protiens also supply the body with energy, although they are not the body's main energy source. 


[image] Disease\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\


[image] picture 1


[image] tcu








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