Story: L.M.L is a game we designed to show the importance of vitamins. You take the role of The Lady and you help save your health. By keeping your body in shape, and making it in the goal.
Objective: Our objective is to make the right health choices in all the levels and avoid all bad guys. Make sure you make it to the end of each level. Good luck and enjoy!
Audience: This game and lesson is intended for an audience of all ages. Young kids to adults.
Team Members: LaPorsha, Maddie, Leticia
Health Lesson: Vitamins protect against infections, produce energy, produce blood cells, maintain tissues, and prevent blood clogs. If you didn't take your vitamins, your body would not function correctly.
Vitamin A- Helps maintain skin tissue and promotes use of calcium, and prevents cancer. Found in milk and dairy products.
Vitamin B1- Changes glucose into energy. Found in whole grains and nuts.
Vitamin C- Prevents infections, heals wounds, strengthens blood vessels, and keeps teeth healthy. Found in citrus fruits and some veggies.
Vitamin D- Helps bones and teeth develop. Found in eggs, beef, and salmon.