Story: Chemo is a game we designed to show the importance of fighting cancer. In the game we created, you play as Chemo. Chemo's mission is to destroy all cancer cells, so that the body is free of cancer.
Objective: Chemo's objective is to destroy all the cancer cells in the body, once you have completed the level you have cured cancer.
Audience: This game is approved for all ages.
Team Members: Ashton, Dianna, Kelsey
Health Lesson: Chemo is a chemical that is used during Chemotherapy to destroy cancer cells in the body. You can get cancer from tanning beds, the sun's rays, tobacco, and drugs. Cancer can cause hair loss, aging to the skin, blocking of the arteries, veins, and also block other passage ways in the body. Cancer can cause tumors which are abnormal masses of tissue. When cancer cells move throughout the body, they will divide and form more tumors.