Health is the Key
Game name: Health Is Key
Group members: Stuart, Ben and Darrick
Audience:Youth everywhere
Objective:To teach kids that eating junk food is extremely bad for you and you should have a healthy lifesyle with healthy foods and lots of exercise.
Health Lesson: Eating healthy makes you a smart noodle and exercising burns calories and prevents you from getting fat and you need 6 nutrients every day. They are: protein, carbs, fat, water, vitamins and minerals. Don't eat too much fat or you will become fat. Only eat small amounts of fat and large amounts of the other 5 nutreints. No single food can give you all 6 nutrients so make sure to eat a variety of foods every day.
Game story: Fred is preparing for the race. so he needs to eat healthy foods and exercise a lot. Help him make good choices and stay fit for the big race!