Run Diabeto, Run
Story - Dabeto is a sad, sad, sad, sad child. Athough he dreams of athletics and fitness, he never gets off his lazy, fat bumm except to get another bag of chips from the pantry and complains about the 10-foot walk from the couch to the fridge which often becomes a trail of tears. He gets a ride to school in the family car yet weeps about the effort to walk to classes that are only about 40 feet away from each other. See if you can get some effort out of him.
Objective - The objective is to get Diabeto into shape and make him healthy again after all his unhealthy choices.
Team members - Bailey Kyler, Brendan Osorio and Greyson Lewis
Obesity is reaching epidemic proportions. It’s the plague of the 21st century. In some communities almost half of the pediatric diabetes cases are Type 2, when in the past the total was close to zero. Although childhood-onset Type 2 diabetes is still a rare condition, overweight children with this disease are at risk of suffering the serious complications of diabetes as adults, such as kidney disease, blindness, and amputations.
• Sixty-one percent of overweight 5- to10-year-olds already have at least one risk factor for heart disease, and 26 percent have two or more risk factors. Only about 25 percent of U.S. adults eat the recommended five or more servings of fruits and vegetables each day.
• Less than 25% of adolescents eat the recommended five or more servings of fruits and vegetables each day.
• More than 50% of American adults do not get the recommended amount of physical activity to provide health benefits.
• More than a third of young people in grades 9–12 do not regularly engage in vigorous physical activity.
Because of its ability to lower blood glucose levels naturally, those suffering from diabetes can also benefit from eating dragon fruit (above). Its high protein content makes it beneficial for those needing to boost metabolism. Its calcium content enables it to assist with strengthening teeth and bones naturally.
Fruits and veggies also are good for you, and look cool too!