"Green" Family Pledge
Families were asked to pledge to be environmental stewards at home. Many families submitted the pledge form and were recognized at the Earth Day program with a plant and compostable bag for grass clippings.
My family Pledges to do the following:
(Check all that apply)
Earth Hour: turn off lights and appliances for 1 hour & enjoy family time
Turn off lights when not needed
Use energy-efficient CFL bulbs at home
_____ Recycle paper at home
Recycle glass
Recycle plastics #1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7
Recycle aluminum cans & other metal
_____ Bring our own bags for shopping
_____ Conserve water
_____ Use reusable water bottles when possible
_____ Reduce junk mail waste
_____ Plant a garden or a tree at home
_____ Review Act of Green website as a family