The Path to Health
You have to make your own decisions. You need to pass through those French Fries show them that you can make good decisions by eating healthy food, exercising, sleeping early and taking care of yourself
The squiglet has entered a world of mysterious things were he must look after himself and where French Fries who will attack him and make him unhealthy. You must help the squiglet passing the levels by eating healthy doing exercise and resting well every time. If you eliminate a monster you make him healthy. Do not forget to go the coach he will give you advice.
Team members
Jaysen Hoskins, Janet López and Matilda Royal-Dawson
We are aiming for kids ages 3, 4 and 5, basically Preschool students
Health lesson
We worked on different aspects for example, on the portions of food a little kid needs 3-5 years old. We learned how different the food diet of a little kid and an adult is and we went to a field trip to experience the importance of buying local, and about organic and processed food.