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Fourth Grade Fishing Field Trip


[image] Arrival at OLC

[image] Kiss    [image] Bug Picking   [image] Bug Picking 2

Hutsell Elementary is part of the Katy ISD Anglers.  Each year our goal is to take fourth graders on a fishing field trip to the Kenneth D. Welch Outdoor Learning Center (OLC) in Katy ISD. The objective of the field trip is for students to take what they have learned in school and use it in a real life experience.  The Texas Parks and Wildlife curriculum is used during Physical Education classes to certify students as Junior Anglers. The students learned about fish identification, habitats, casting, knot tying, lures, live bait, fishing ethics and rules and environmental concerns. Once they became certified Junior Anglers, the students were given the opportunity to put their newly learned skills into action on their field trip.

A dedicated group of teachers from science, art, physical education and music, all certified anglers, were ready to instruct students upon their arrival at the OLC. Students were divided into two groups. One group fished and participated in bug picking. Students baited their hooks and put their casting skills to the test. All fish that were caught were weighed and measured.  A fish data record was filled out with the weight and length of the fish.  Fish were then "kissed and released" back into the pond.

At the bug picking station, students collected bugs, used magnifying glasses and identification charts to identify what they had caught and if they could live in polluted water or not.

The second group of students rotated through the following stations:

Boater Safety: Students learned about boater and water safety, different types of life jackets and how to put a life jacket on.

Gyotako: A Japanese word for fish print. Each student made their own fish print t-shirt as well as a fish rubbing.

Catfish Anatomy and Tasting Station: Students observed the dissection of a catfish and were able to identify the anatomy of a catfish.  Afterwards, students enjoyed tasting fried catfish.

Camping Station: Students learned about camping safety and made their own homemade ice cream and friendship bracelets.

After lunch, the two groups switched allowing all students to participate in hands on curriculum from science, math and physical education.

[image] Fish Prints    [image] Boater Safety    [image] Catfish Anatomy

[image] Friendship bracelets    [image] Ice Cream     [image] Ice Cream  2


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