Project Title: Morning Mile
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Morning Mile 11-12


[image] morning mile 003Morning Mile


Beginning in November, 2011, our campus started the Morning Mile.  It is a program where students come before school, 7:15-7:45, and can run or walk as much as they want.  A track has been measured and marked.  4 laps equal a mile.  For every 5 miles, the student receives a charm.  We promote this on the morning announcements, our campus webpage and the classroom webpage.  Parents and siblings are invited to walk with the students.  The activity is run by a parent volunteer with support from other volunteers.


As of Friday, May 18, 2012 the students have completed 6,252 laps,which is 1,588 miles.  We have 124 students who have participated, with 9 of them being Pre-K siblings.

The top student has run 90.5 miles.


As the weather has warmed up this spring, we have seen participation increase.  All the students that participate are recognized on our morning announcements.  This is an effective way to promote physical fitness and help the students begin their day with movement.


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