Last Out, Lights Out
Last Out, Lights Out
Our district and campus has started a campaign to create awareness of turning off lights in all rooms. The campaign is called Last Out, Lights Out. Above every light switch in the building is a neon green sign that reminds everyone to turn out the lights. Below is the amount of energy we have saved for the first half of the school year. The students have embraced the campaign and are being more aware of it in their homes. Parents have commented that they are the “energy sheriffs” at home.
Willis Lane ES Energy Usage – Last Out, Lights Out Campaign
Last Year This Year Percent
KWH Used KWH Used Difference
August 72,800 68,000 -7%
September 115,600 107,000 -7%
October 98,200 81,600 -17%
November 80,800 78,200 -3%
December 75,200 71,600 -5%