Reduce, Reuse, Recycle-3rd gr.
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
The 3rd grade studied the 3R’s during our unit on conservation. We discussed ways that the amount of trash could be reduced. Some of the ideas that were shared were to use both sides of the paper before you recycle it, use a refillable water bottle instead of one that could only be used once then thrown away and some of the student’s families use the plastic grocery bags.
They brought in different projects using items that had been made from reused things. I had a soup can that was turned into a pencil holder, but I think that the most creative thing was and egg carton that was turned into an alligator as part of a student’s book report project. Finally we talked about ways that they recycle at home. Keller has a curb side recycling program and they all said that they check for the recycling triangle on the different things at home to make sure and recycle those items.