Project Title: Sustainability Song
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Sustainability Song


Teacher:  Mr. Jim Crum (Music), Mr. Preston Maginis (English)
Class:  Middle School Music and English
Class Goal: To write and record our own sustainability song.
- Each class period, we'd listen to a sustainability song at the start of class and rate it
- students learned the fundamentals of rhythm, harmony, bass, and 
- students learned about different music styles and influences
- students studies lyrics and the process of parody and mimic that other musicians use
- students looked at a number of songs to mimic and wrote their own lyrics
- we decided on Iz's "What a wonderful world / Somewhere over the rainbow" song to mimic
- students wrote lyrics with sustainability lyrics to match the rhythm of the song
- their English teacher reviewed and commented on the document and they made appropriate updates
- students tried out different instruments and learned basic chords
- students learned how to record and then edit music on the computer
Voila!  Here's a link to the sustainability song:
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