Project Title: Green Building Media
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Energy Savings, Spread the Word!


Instructors:  Mr. Jim Crum (Digital Media), Mrs. Jean Young (Green Building)

This semester, the Digital Media and Green Building classes collaborated on an energy reduction messaging campaign.  The Green Building class had completed a school audit and was in the process of implementing some of the recommendations to Cooke Hall.  Cooke Hall happens to be a building very representative of local nearby architecture -  not designed for air conditioning with its many sources of heat gain into the classrooms:  drafty, no insulation, dark roof.

The Media class students were assigned to come up with three different types of videos:  documentary, public service announcement, informercial.  They got into teams with each team selecting a category.  They shot video of the green building class activities (painting the roof, adding vents to the attic eaves) as well as other sustainabiltiy activites school wide and put together their videos.

Here are their results:

Green Building Infomercial - Hire company GRB, German, Russian, Beau - to take care of your energy issues!

Green Building PSA - Think about it, if we don't take care of the world, where will all the ice cream go??

Green Building Documentary - The Green Building class implements energy audit recommendations of a cooler roof and attic ventilation to address heat gain into the building.


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