Introduction to Consumtion and Waste
Lesson 1: Introduction of Consumption and Waste
- Introduce consumption and waste and the three “R’s”
- See much the students know and what they know about consumption and waste
- To provide information on what a waste free lunch is and that everyone can have a lunch that is waste free.
Learning Outcomes:
- To show that consumption and waste are environmental issues
- To involve all members of the school community in examining consumption and waste practices, reducing waste, and preventing litter.
- Pre-Test (from Alma)
- Slideshow entitled “Lesson 1- Consumption and Waste Into.”
- Waste Free Lunch Information and examples
Define the term “Consumption and Waste” and “Reduce, Reuse Recycle” or ask students (grouped in Kagan model) to explain to their partner what they all means to them. Give the students the pretest on Consumption and Waste and what the three “R’s”.
Show slideshow entitled “Lesson 1 – Consumption and Waste” and allow time for students to comment or ask questions during the slideshow. Announce that we will be having a “Waste Free Lunch Wednesday’s”. The Waste Free Lunches will start on Wednesday, November 9th. Show examples to the students what a waste free lunch is. Have the students use the Rally Robin to talk about waste free lunches or the three “R’s”.
At the end of class review what they talked about during that time and lead into the projects that we will be doing with them the next time they come to Eco School.
K &1st = folders with cut outs of what the three “R’s” mean
2nd = School posters with the Recycle, Trash, and Compost
3rd = Home posters (paper) with cut outs of what they do at home
4th = Draw out what the Recycle, Trash, Compost looks like for the school