HAYSCISD Childhood Obesity Summit
Our Fuentes leadership attended the first annual HAYSCISD Childhood Obesity Summit on May 10, 2012 at the HAYSCISD Performing Arts Center. Participants included district staff members, area health professionals, local business representatives, city government officials from Kyle and Buda, concerned community members and parents. The information provided by Children's Optimal Health will be useful in guiding our action plans for our community. We were presented an overview of the project to better understand the impact that obesity has on health, education, and overall well being of a child. COH and Hays CISD partnered to create a set of maps to increase awareness, engage partners and inform solutions at the school and community level. Subsequently, school year data will be mapped to monitor changes in student fitness levels, neighborhood health, and community assets. Our campus fitnessgram data is the primary data source for this project, including BMI, the cardiovascular fitness test, as well as student demographic data. The summit was a great starting point to really impact health and activity in our community and in our school. Now, it is about consistent followthrough and commitment.
In small, very diverse interest groups, we looked at critical questions for our community.
1. What causes obesity in Kyle/Buda?
2. What causes inactivity in Kyle/Buda?
3. what could we do in the following areas that could help curve the obesity trend? Environmental-Policy(school, government,service providers)-Systems(community providers)
4. What are the best ideas for effective change in Kyl/Buda and what is your action plan for getting there? (No cost/low cost & innovative ideas)
5. What organizations are currently working to address these issues through (education & environment)?
6. What are the most important issues that are not or inadequately being address?
7. What are you or your organization willing to commit to?