Project Title: Community Garden
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Rebel Edible Garden


This school year was great for all the learning that it takes to make plans for an edible garden. We met a handful of times with our community liaison master gardener, Bill Carter, who has been consulting with us on composting, vermiculture and gardening. We were recent winners of the Whole Foods/Whole Kids grant which will be "seed" money for our garden. The location of this garden will be in the north east corner of the campus near the science wing. It will incorporate all the seasonal vegetables that we can grow and keep track of as the days go by. With the help of the science classes, the Rebel Green Team and the culinary/nutrition classes, we can all learn how to garden at home or in a community garden to grow our own healthy chemical free food.


These foods will be used to identify the differences between commercially grown and homegrown vegetables using natural chemical/additive free growing methods that have been the way of farming since the original discovery of cultivation by early humans. The goal is to use this learning garden to understand more about how to be a responsible member of the community making wise and calculated decisions about food that was been pushed to the wayside in this modern day of humans in America.


This garden will also help students and community members to understand about the cycle of life in the garden. This is important to sustainability and environmental responsibility. As humans are the stewards of the land we live on, we must take care of it so that it will take care of us. As the garden grows, we hope to use the harvest to learn about the foods characteristics as well as use it for fundraising and to donate to the community on a system of need that will be developed in the coming school year.


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