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Greenprint 2012-2013: Natural Classrooms


Cornerstone: Natural Classrooms (Field Investigation, Stewardship, Professional Development & Leadership, Nature Curricula)

  1. What is the name of your project:  World Monitoring Day Challenge
  2. 2.    What is the goal/purpose of the project:  To help students understand the global economy and environment and to increase awareness of the importance of water conservation and pollution management.  “World Water Monitoriting Challenge is an international education and outreach program that builds public awareness and involvement in protecting water resources around the world by engaging citizens to conduct basic monitoring of their local water bodies.”  (, 2012)

In 2011, approximately 340,000 people in 77 countries monitored their local waterways. We challenge you to test the quality of your waterways, share your findings, and protect our most precious resource!

  1. Who will be involved in the project:  Grade 8 students and teachers
  2. How will you record the project (video, photos, PowerPoint, etc.):  Video, Photos, PowerPoint, Blog)
  3. 5.   Do you have a budget for your project? How will you attain those finances? $50 for the classroom water testing kit
  4. What is the starting and ending date of your project? 09/20/12 – 3/01/12
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