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Fit to Fat to Fit


  Story:  You are a man who worked out everyday and ate healthy food, but with distractions you lost your physical fitness. You will work hard to get your physical fitness back. You will let nobody stand in your way of getting your physical fitness back.


Objective:  The objective is to fight back againest your bad habits, and choose wise choices to get back to being healthy and fit.


 Audience:  This game is for ages 9 and up.


Team Members:  Nathan and Cody

Health Lesson:  There are many distractions that can lead you to a very unhealthy life. Fruit, vegetables, water, and sea food are just of few things that are healthy.



                                                                              Fit to Fat to Fit



You are in a world, where there is opportunity everywhere you turn. You are a man who is chunky and bulky, but you want to be a muscular, sturdy man. 


  [image] happy muscle guy

You use to be breathtaking, but you let distractions distract you from your body. Now you are ready to start your life over.




Causes You to be Unhealthy

There are many distractions in food and drinks in this
world.  A lot of those distractionas are unhealthy.  TV is a big distraction for people in this economy,
and junk food is horrible for your health. Soda is a horrible to drink for your health. Soda is dreadful for your health, because soda can cause obesity, kidney damage, and certain cancers. Soda also causes high blood pressure.

[image] can2
Soda is one of the worst drinks for your health

[image] burger fast food   

Most fast food restaurants serve food that is horrible for your health. Remember too much of anything can be bad for you.




What It Takes to be Fit

It is going to take a lot of work to get back in shape, but it is worth it. Your friends showed you all these
distractions. TV shows that are so addicting that you blow off you workouts. While you are watching your TV show, your friend goes to a fast food restaurant and gets unhealthy food. You are now, out for payback. You are not going to let anyone get
in your way, especially your friends. Fruit and vegetables are some of the best
foods you can eat, but remember too much of anything can be bad for you health. Water is the healthiest drink for your health.

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nevans says...
Smile i like it
3rd April 2013 3:14pm
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