Project Title: Greenprint Challenge - Schuylerville, NY
Greenprint 2012-2013 - Schuylerville, NY
Green Print for Natural Classrooms – Tulip Test Garden
- Schuylerville School District will create a Tulip Test Garden using guidelines provided by Journey North.
- The purpose of this activity is to enhance the learning environment, supplement existing curriculum and allow the students to partake in a global study of seasonal change. One garden at a time, the relationship between climate, geography and the arrival of spring is revealed.
- The tulip test garden will foster involvement between students throughout the Northern Hemisphere. Students make observations in their own hometown, and watch the wave of spring as it moves across the globe. Students, teachers and GRS volunteers will create and maintain the space.
- The tulip test garden will be recorded through photographs, student observations and then reported online at (Please note: all of GRS activities are also posted on the Schuylerville Green Ribbon School Project Facebook Page.)
- The budget for this activity is projected at $150 for the cost of Red Emperor tulips and the compost for the garden.
- The tulip test garden will be planted October 2012 and then the students will monitor and report seasonal changes as the bulbs emerge and blossom in spring 2013.
Green Print for Eco-Campus – Electronic Recycling
- Schuylerville Central School District will sponsor an Electronics Recycling Program.
- The purpose of this activity is to ensure that all electronics are properly disposed and recycled. Objects will be collected by an established electronics’ recycling company.
- This will be open to all members of the community. The administration, faculty, staff and GRS volunteers will oversee and manage this activity.
- This activity will be recorded with photographs and be measured by volume.(Please note: all of GRS activities are also posted on the Schuylerville Green Ribbon School Project Facebook Page.)
- The budget for this activity is $50 for printing costs to promote the recycling days.
- The Electronic Recycling will be in April 2013 as part of Earth Week Activities and June 2013 to coincide with Schuylerville Community Clean-up Days.
Green Print for Nature Adventure – Hi-5 Challenge
- Schuylerville GRS has issued a district-wide Hi-5 Challenge. Between October 1 and December 1, we are encouraging our entire school community to enjoy a 5K in some capacity. It may be a sanctioned/organized running race or a simple 5K stroll around the neighborhood. The possibilities are endless! Bike it! Run it! Paddle it! Hike it! Swim it! However you do it...ENJOY it!
- The purpose of this activity is to motivate Schuylerville Elementary School children, their families and the greater community to experience the fun and health benefits related to exercise.
- The Hi-5 Challenge is open to all members of the community. The School’s administration, staff and teachers will participate in a school sponsored 5K. GRS will provide additional opportunities for students and their families to complete the Hi-5 Challenge and get moving.
- This activity will be recorded with photographs, charts and a paper handprint for each completed 5K. Our goal is to fill the front halls with a rainbow of handprints which exhibit our success and dedication to getting out there and getting fit . (Please note: all of GRS activities are also posted on the Schuylerville Green Ribbon School Project Facebook Page.)
- The budget for this activity is $100. These monies will be used for promotional materials.
- The Hi-5 Challenge will take place fall 2012 and then we will reissue the challenge again in spring 2013 with the goal of surpassing the number of 5Ks recorded this fall.
Green Print for Health and Fitness – Hand-Washing Initiative
- Schuylerville Elementary School will introduce a hand-washing initiative geared to K-5 students.
- The purpose of this activity is to present hand-washing in fun and interactive ways while stressing its importance as a first line defense against germs and illness.
- With the guidance of the GRS committee, teachers and students will be involved in this initiative. Additionally, facilities will continue replacing manual facets with automatic faucets to help prevent the spread of germs.
- The hand-washing initiative will be recorded through photographs and student projects. (Please note: all of GRS activities are also posted on the Schuylerville Green Ribbon School Project Facebook Page.)
- GRS will host a hand-washing instruction booth at the Annual Health Fair on October 19, 2012. The initiative will be ongoing throughout the academic year with additional demonstrations, educational tools and incentives.
- The budget for this initiative is $150 for materials to support the initiative.
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