Earth savers road safety awareness Lesson 1
.Title: Transportation Lesson 1
Grade: K-2nd
Materials: Computer, Laptop, projector
Objective: To learn about & implement an effective road safety awareness program for students and their families.
Procedures: Students will view Brainpop Jr. video about transportation and take the quiz at the end of the video.
Teachers: 1. Log on to
2. Under the search engine, type in Safety Signs
3. Watch the video
4. Take the quiz after the video. You may choose the easy or hard quiz.
5. Discuss.
Assessment/Evaluation: All students should participate in taking the quiz.
Grade: 3rd-5th
Materials: Computer, laptop, projector
Objective: To learn about and implement an effective road safety awareness program for students and their families.
Procedures: Students will view a power point about road signs and safety. Students and teacher will discuss street signs and what they are for and why they are necessary. Kagan strategies used at your discretion in between the Pedestrian, Bicyclists and Drivers power points. A transportation quiz will appear after the ‘Driver’ power point slide at which the students will take the quiz as a class.
Assessment/Evaluation: Each student should participate with each slide question and answer.