Global Citizenship & Connections
Objective: To raise awareness of the links between students’ lives and the lives of others throughout the world.
Learning Outcomes: Engage with students in other cultures to facilitate understanding and empathy.
Lesson #1: All students viewed a slideshow presentation to look at pictures of students in Kenya and pen pal letter samples. Students use graphic organizer to plan to write an age-appropriate letter to students that live in Kenya. The letters will be sent
through the ‘Kenya Connect’ company and students will be responding back to them. Students were given a rubric for their letters. *Each letter will include: “To my friend in Kenya”, full name of student writing the letter, name of the school, age, grade and gender. The students may include information about what they learn in school, what they have done over the past two years in Earth Savers, active things they like to do and what fun things they like to do in their spare time. Students planned to decorate their letters to make them fun and inviting with colored background, pictures, designs, etc.