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Outdoors Skills


[image] fishing[image] campfire

All of our Fuentes Star 4th graders spent 3 days camping, hiking, and really experiencing the great outdoors. They learned how to identify local snakes, they built three different kinds of campfires, they fished, shot bows and arrows, kayaked, climbed a challenge wall, learned about archeology and how we can discover things about the past from artifacts, they learned about waste and how we can make a difference one plate of food at a time and they learned about what it was like to settle in central Texas in pioneer times. Star students also collaborated to accomplish challenges and sang camp songs just for fun. The lessons were recorded in their writing journals along with reflections on each station each day. Upon return to school the students used their newfound knowledge to complete assignments over the next 5 days. They all relived the experience through an hour long slide show at the end of the year.

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