eat healthy be healthy
Story:This story of a track star, trying to stay hidrated not to get caught by the fry sprite and to eat the tray of fruits are just eat the apples. You have three level's you have to envoyed getting caught your trying to escape to hydration land before your zombies eat your hydrated flesh. Once you complete this level you conquar dehydration.
Obective:The objective of this is teaching kids how to be healthy. Also eat right that includes the right vitimans incluidng A, B, C D, and the right calcium to help your bones grow but not to much citrus fruit because of it's acid.
Objective: The objective of the game is to not get eaten by the zombies and fries
Audience: The audience goes to unhealthy kids.
Team:Marlon Dustin
Health Lesson: The health lesson is to eat alot of fruit to stay healthy. To get the calcium vitmans and hydration you need and to eat at least three fruits a day. You need to eat vitimans too, also get the protien you need meat. Meat is the best source of protien chicken, and pork but not any grease. Proiten helps your strength and your body grow. Most of the protien is substance such as beans, eggs and dairy.