Junk Fighter
Story: There was a gocery store manager named Rosie. One night she herd a loud bang, so she went to see what it was. But all she saw was green goo, and all of the food in the store was gone! And then she felt a tap on her sholder, so she turned around and saw a monster eating all the food. Help Rosie defeat the monster, but beware....
Objective:What we are trying to show you is the junk food can be scary and unhealthy. So you have to chase the heathy food and be chased by the unheathy food.
Audience:Any person who can use a computer.
Team Members: Kaye,Caitlin,Keyari
Heath Lesson: Junk food is typically defined as food with little nutritional value that has high calories, fat, suger, salt, or caffiene. And junk food can give you cholesterol, heart disease, high blood pressure, and osteoporosis. Healthy food gives you a important nutritional value. But if you eat too much healthy food you will get too much vitamins C,D, and B,and you wil get really sick by doing that. So it whould be best if you TRY to stay in the middle because junk or healthy you will still get sick if you eat too much. If you want to fine healthy recipe you can look up it on the internet or by a healthy cook book online or in a store and keep your body in shape because you still need your body be in shape even if you eat healthy still keep your body in shape.