Project Title: Healthivores
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Junk Food Planet


Story:   Junk food has taken over  Health Topia! Derek the  king and his queen Kimberly were very happy about there planet. Menck a teenage girl she was about 13 yrs. old. And she thought this was out rangeious and she would go around the planet doing speeches like: Junk food is bad for our body and doent give us any energy! And everybody remeber this famous speech that went like this Fruits and Veggies! Thats what we need its good for our body and gives us energy!When King Derek herd about this he was so angry he wanted to do someting about this! So he thought and thought he wished his queen was there to help him but she was on a all queen retreat. THEN! It hit him I will (now this wasnt the brightest idea) he said " i will send my people after her! Now his servant Colbey thought this was a good idea ( he wasnt that bright ethier). and king Derek the chompers and the evil french fries! This Begins war he thought!HAHAHAHAHAHA!


Objective: You have to get all the friut basket and fruits and veggies. Kill all the evil french fries and the chompers!


Audience: This game rated 


Team Members: Leah, Maia, and Adriana.


Health Lesson: The health lesson for this game is that junk food is not the best for you. In fact if you don't excersice onec  about a week for thrity minutes you will become over weight. But you don't have to go one a spical diet either just eat the right a mount of fuits and vegetables and protean and you will be just fine. Sometime it is ok to eat fating foods just as long as you excersice or eat something heathy after it. Like you could go for a walk for thrity minutes a day and be fine. And if you eat to much Fat foods with saturated fat you can get a herat attack, stroke, and you can get narrowed arteries. But not all fating foods are bad for you becueas your body needs a little fat evry one and then. But in this game you learn all types of of facts about fruits and vegetables and how they effect you and evreone's body.




This is what your plate should look like every day. =]



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