Unhealthy Invaders
Story: On planet Food, all residents are healthy and all is peaceful... until the unhealthy foods attack and take over...
Objective: Take down the Unhealthies without running out of energy and succumbing to their terrible ways...
Audience: Those who want to eat right and have good energy.
Team Members: Aidan F. and Logan C.
Lesson: Don't let unhealthy food take over your body and destroy you. Learn to keep a good amount of energy and don't let advertisements influence your opinion on healthy eating.
Level 1- "...authors also found that higher consumption of healthy foods such as fruits and vegetables and less ingestion of junk food was associated with a higher happiness level."
Level 2- "I was addicted to junk food and fast food, and overweight and unhealthy."
Level 3- "...other cultures that consumed traditional diets based largely on plants had strikingly low rates of chronic disease."
Created in Photoshop by: Logan C.
Created in Photoshop by: Aidan F.
Chart created in Excel by: Logan C.
Chart created in Excel by: Aidan F.
Created in Photo Booth by: Logan C. and Aidan F.