Do Work Academy
Story: Billy Bob Joe decides that he has gotten a little overweight so he begins to execise to get slimmer. He also helps other people get rid of unhealthy food along his way.
Objective: The objective of the game is to kill any enemy sprites and grab apples and energy.
Audience: Everybody
Team members: Thomas P., Kash K. and Dathon M.
Lesson: Exercise is extremely important to stay healthy!
Level 1: Getting plenty of exercise is important for children, especially when they are still developing their bodies and minds.
Level 2: Regular physical activity is one of the most important things you can do for your health.
Level 3: Some findings suggest that your risk of endometrial cancer and lung cancer may be lower if you get regular physical activity compared to people who are not active.
Created in Photoshop by: Kash K.
Created in Photoshop by: Thomas P.
Created in Photoshop by: Dathon M.
Graph created with Excel by: Kash K.
Graph created with Excel By: Dathon M.
Created in Photo Booth by Kash, Dathon and Thomas