Healthy Transformation
Game story: Savannah wants to go to her friend's party. She asks her mom and she says yes. When Savannah gets to the party she realizes there is a lot of junk food. She doesn't know what to do! Help Savannah choose what path she should take and what food she should eat.
Objective: Keep energy levels up. Kill bad foods.
Game audience: Everyone!
Team members: Kyra B., Elizabeth J. and Jessie M.
Game Lesson: When you eat healthy food that's great! But you can eat unhealthy foods to and you'll be ok. Don't eat overload on junkfood, Sometimes you just have to say NO!!!
Level One: To be healthy and to say no to the junk food.
Level Two: To eat healthy food to keep up your energy.
Level Three: Eating unhealthy can make you happy, but eating healthy can make life eaiser and happier.
What is Energy Balance?
Created in Photoshop by: Jessica M., Kyra B. and Elizabeth J.
Chart Created in Excel by: Elizabeth J.
Chart Created in Excel by: Kyra B.
Chart Created in Excel by: Jessica M.
Created in Photo Booth by Jessica M., Elizabeth J. and Kyra B.