The Health Challenge
Game Lesson - Being healthy is easy if you put in the effort. Try to make an attempt at being healthy. The results will always be good.
Story - The character wants to collect all of the healthy food before the monsters get to him.
Game audience: All
Game Goal - Collect all of the healthy food while staying away from the monsters.
Members: Taveon C and Kyndal W.
Level 1:
Healthy eating starts with learning new ways to eat, such as adding more fresh fruits, vegetables, and whole grains and cutting back on foods that have a lot of fat, salt, and sugar.
Level 2:
With so many light varieties of microwave popcorn on the market, it's easy to think that this snack is healthy, but with high levels of sodium and the chemical diacetyl, some health professionals caution about making this a regular snack. A better choice? Putting a few plain kernels in a brown paper bag and popping your own. You control the flavoring!
Level 3:
The right food can really affect how your body functions and acts. Eating the right food can make your body strong; it can fight illnesses, produces healthy skin, and keeps the body functioning normally. If you eat the wrong food with lack of exercise, extra weight is gained. But people can also gain weight if they eat too much of the right food. Having the right amount of a balanced nutritional food is what kids and adults need.
Created with Photoshop by: Taveon C.
Created in Photoshop by: Kyndal W.
Created in Photo Booth by: Kyndal and Taveon