Stay Healthy 101
Story: Health man is trapped in a fast food restaurant and a bunch of restaurant owners are trying to feed him unhealthy food. If he wants to stay healthy he must find and eat all the healthy food.
Objective: Get all the healthy snacks and avoid the fatties.
Audience: Kids around six to eight years old.
Team Members: Sage M., Grayson H., and Becca C.
Lesson: Eat healthy snacks instead of eating unhealthy foods all the time, and stay healthy to keep your energy up.
Level 1: The lesson for this level is to avoid fatting food and eat your greens!
Level 2: Grapes are one of the 10 most healthy snacks.
Level 3: Juices or water are much more healthy than soda.
Created in Photoshop by: Sage M.
Created in Photoshop by: Becca C.
Created in Photoshop by: Grayson H.
Created in Excel by Sage M.
Created on Photo Booth by Sage and Grayson.