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Kramer Front Garden Update 2013


Walking through the front entrance of the school can set the mood for the day for students, parents and teachers.  Our students decided we needed to beautify our front entrance to greet everyone with colorful plants and flowers. Because the gardens had not been tended for years, our garden classes knew we had a major project on our hands.

So, on March 6, 2012, we began our project. Students helped to clear the area of weeds, dead plants, rocks, sticks and debris. Tillers were brought in and the soil was amended to prepare the area for planting. Students considered how much sun and shade each area received before we planted. We chose numerous perennial plants that we knew would keep our garden growing for years to come. Students and visitors have enjoyed the garden and the beautiful colorful greeting they receive.

                                              March 6, 2012- The west side of the front entrance

[image] 2 stu raking 

[image] tired girl

[image] group

                                            April 2012  East side of the front entrance

[image] left 1



                                          April 2013-  The west side of the front entrance

[image] gar 3

[image] gar 2

[image] gar 1


The east side of the front entrance- We can't wait for our elephant ears to grow as big as they did last year.

[image] left 1

 [image] big ears




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