Healthy Hearts - The Fruit Maker
Team Name: The Healthy Hearts
Team Members: Aiden, Diego, Justin, Kyle (3rd Graders)
Game Name: The Fruit Maker
Story: The sprite, Armstrad, wants to make a healthy food invention were you type the name of a healthy food and it comes out of an opening.
The objective: The object of the game is to get all of the parts to make the invention.
The healthy eating, exercising and/or lifestyle choice lesson being taught with the game: Our game teaches you to eat healthy foods and choose healthy foods, for example, eat apples, not apple sauce.
The intended audience for the game: 7 years and up.
Tell about your game creation experience: We worked hard at our game. We made a comic strip about it. It was hard sometimes working as a team, but in the end, we really like our game.