Project Title: Beautify our School
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Bluebonnet Stomp


[image] planting


On Veteran's Day, the whole school gathered for a flag raising ceremony to honor our Veteran's. After the Pledge of Allegiance, students were given a handful of Bluebonnet seeds to plant at the front of our school. Each grade level took turns going to a prepared area to cover the seeds with dirt and then stomp them into the earth. The students enjoyed being hands on or should I say "feet on" in the planting process.

[image] stomping

The most exciting part was seeing the Bluebonnets come up in the Spring. We were not sure if they would sprout due to our dry soil, but come April, we had hundreds of beutiful Bluebonnets scattered across the front entrance of our school. The students were so proud that they had been involved in making our school beautiful. We also got many compliments from parents and visitors as well.

[image] Bluebonnets

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