Cloud Study
Saratoga Independent School
Cloud Study
Student Ages: 4-8
Students in our lower school's science classes explored clouds and learned the 3 types of clouds: Cirrus, Cumulus, and Stratus. They discussed the Latin meanings of their names; cirrus meaning curl, cumulus meaning heap, and stratus meaning covering or blanket. Understanding the meaning behind these names will help them to remember these different types of clouds.
With the knowledge of these different types of clouds students took to the outdoors and used cloud identifying frames to match up the clouds they viewed with the examples of the different types of clouds.
Back in the classroom students used a mixture of glue and shaving cream to make a puff paint which they used to create cloud pictures. Chalk was used to create wispy Cirrus clouds, the shaving cream and glue mixture represented Cumulus clouds, and cotton quilt batting became stratus clouds. The children then created labels for each cloud type as well as a title for their cloud piece.