Project Title: Recycling Program
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In 2011, a Student Council driven recycling program was started by Hutsell students. . Every Friday, fifth grade Student Council members collect water bottles from the cafeteria, teacher's lounge and custodial office.  They take the bottles to teachers who recycle them through their neighborhood recycling pick-up or take them to Green Arrow Recycling in Katy.  Fifth grade students also bring fourth grade students with them when recycling to show them what to do when they're in fifth grade next year.

Students from all grade levels are also involved in paper recycling.  Each teacher has a blue container in their classroom to collect paper.  Students bring the containers to designated trash cans for recycling.  Custodians take the paper to collection bins located outside. Abibow Recycling picks up the paper at scheduled times.

In addition to the water bottle and paper recycling efforts, we have also placed ink cartridge recycling boxes in every grade level pod.  Students, teachers, volunteers and local businesses donate their used printer cartridges.  When the boxes fill up, Cartridge World is called and a representative comes out to pick them up.



[image] Recycling Water Bottles 2[image] Recycling 4

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