Project Title: KAB Clean Sweep
KAB CleanSweep 2011
Keep Austin Beautiful
CleanSweep 2011
Connally – Creekside Cleanup
April 9th
Connally HS participated in the 4500+ volunteer city-wide cleanup to help preserve
our backyard creek. Environmental Science and Biology students gathered
together, with the support of KAB, removing trash, recyclables, cigarette butts, and
debris from the creek behind the school. Students learned about volunteerism and
clean up efforts around the city. Many students attended the CleanSweep party at
Waterloo Park in the afternoon as well as sporting their KAB t-shirts Monday
morning at school.
Students Removing Graffiti
Students Picking Up Trash
Cleaning Out the Creek
Learning about the Snake
Thanks for All Your Help!
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