Paws For Fun
Paws for Fun is a motivational and fitness event, where students choose an activity to particiapate in with their friends. Physical activity, fun and friendship is the focus of Paws for Fun. Our events were held once every six weeks on Fridays at 2:30 PM. We had 7 Paws for Fun on the following dates: 9/5/2012, 11/9/2012, 12/14/2012, 2/8/2013, 3/15/2013, 4/26/2013 and 6/5/2013.
Our school of 908 students all took part in our fun fitness event each of the seven Paws for Fun. All students enjoyed physical activity, made new friends, and gained a better understanding of how healthy bodies support learning. Stduents participated in a wide variety of activities from dancing with a live DJ to playing basketball, soccer, volleyball, board games, & video games all over the school.